Tuesday, 18 June 2024
High stakes challenge - the Battle for Blair
2 min read

ACT of supreme political betrayal, a sincere quest for gender equality in the Canberra caucus or political suicide?

Through whichever lens it is viewed, Labor sources have said Ipswich MP Jennifer Howard’s call to contest the preselection for the federal seat of Blair has infuriated the Prime Minister.

Ms Howard made her move on Blair MP Shayne Neumann using Labor’s gender quota rules.

State Assistant Treasurer Ms Howard told the Moreton Border News sister paper The Ipswich Tribune her actions were “to ensure there was more equal representation of women from Queensland in the Federal Parliament”.

“It is about supporting Labor’s Affirmative Action rules to have better representation of women in our parliament because, right now, we are very far from that,” she said.

“I’ve got a very strong track record as a member for Ipswich and of collaborating with council and key stakeholders, regardless of their political persuasion or backgrounds.

“I put people above politics, and that’s exactly the sort of person Blair needs to lead it into the future.

“As a lifelong member of Labor and a feminist, I provide very good leadership; it’s important for women like me to blaze a trail for our younger females coming forward.”

Labor has two women out of its five Queensland House of Representative MPs and three senators: Aged Care Minister Anika Wells in the seat of Lilley and Queensland senator Nita Green.

Mr Neumann, Labor’s only surviving regional or rural MP, holds Blair on a 5.2 percent margin.

If successful, Ms Howard must quit the Queensland Labor party, which only recently re-endorsed her to contest the state election.

Mr Neumann said he was baffled at Ms Howard’s motivations.

“It’s up to her to explain why she’s abandoning the people of Ipswich,” the six-term MP said.

“What I do know is that I am out here every day, fighting for the people of Blair and getting real outcomes.

“I’m convinced I’ve got the overwhelming support of local branch members and across the party organisationally, and I’ll be the candidate at the next election.”

Meanwhile, Federal Treasurer Jim Chalmers made an appearance at the Ipswich Show flanked by Mr Neumann on Sunday.

“Shayne is a really important voice of reason, and a voice for this region,” Dr Chalmers said.

“I support him 100 percent, enthusiastically, without any reservation.

“He is the gold standard when it comes to local members, and he is a very influential voice, and a powerful, important part of the government.”